Thursday, December 31, 2009
Late Night and Early Wake Up Call
Because of the length of the movie, we ended up getting home around midnight. After attending to the dogs and settling down, it was closer to 1am by the time we fell asleep. I haven't been sleeping too well lately - it's getting harder to get and stay comfortable. Early in the morning I woke up, unaware at first of why. Then I realized Lucy was standing at the end of the bed, moaning to go out. She's usually good about staying quiet until we're awake unless she really needs to go out, and since I was awake, I got up to let her and Molly out.
It's practice for what's to come in just a few weeks, right? Not exactly.
Turns out Lucy did need to go out, and did her business rather quickly. Molly, however, had other plans. I guess she hadn't met her quota for eating wild animals in 2009, and had to get one more in... It took Joe getting out of bed and going outside to bring her back in, as once she catches and starts eating the poor animal, she doesn't stop until forced to by one of us. As long as my early morning wake up calls with 7 don't involve wiping blood off his chin and checking for rabbit fur in his mouth, I'll take those over these mornings with the dogs any day!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Sunday we spent the day taking advantage of after Christmas sales and buying supplies for the baby's room. Since every place had their Christmas decorations at least 50% off, we stocked up on wrapping supplies and outdoor decorations. We probably spent too much, but it's all stuff Joe had been wanting to add to the display, so I'm happy to get it half off! Then Sunday afternoon we went to our favorite Mexican restaurant, Ponak's, to see Kyle and Kenny, who moved to North Carolina early in 2009. They were in town for Christmas as both of their families still live here, and so it was time to hang out and have some fun.
Yesterday was my 33-34 week appointment, where I discovered I'd only gained a pound over the Christmas holidays - not too bad when you consider how many cookies I'd baked and the lack of physical activity during Christmas week! The baby is measuring right on track, and it's really hard to believe I'll be full term in just 3 weeks!
As soon as we get the house cleaned up and the nursery finished (we're shooting for this week) I'll be sure to post more pictures.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Oooh, it's getting exciting!
Last night we stayed up late and put the crib together, after Joe finished the north wall and part of the west wall so we could move the dresser into its spot. Joe had asked me to bake "a million" cookies for him to take to hearings and give out as gifts today, so I spent the evening baking about 13 dozen pumpkin cookies and peanut butter kisses. He continued to work on the room, so we got to putting the crib together around 10:30. Luckily, it went together really fast, despite horrible directions.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Dr. Seuss Murals in the Making
It's starting to come to life! Although we've gotten further than this point, we've got to keep some secrets about how it looks, right? The flash makes the colors look a little lighter than they appear in the room, but it's still not crazy bright, which is what we were trying to avoid. So far, we're really happy with the way it's turning out!
T Minus Two Months!
Saturday, I did some work for the store while Joe finished tracing all of the images onto the walls. We had already bought the paint for the background sections of sky, grass and water, so Saturday night we stayed up getting all of that painted. It really didn't take as long as I thought it might, and the paint we bought must have been a really good quality paint (whatever Sherwin-Williams recommended for kids rooms) because we really only needed one coat.
Sunday was the beginning of the detail work, painting each of the characters. We're using craft acrylic paint for that, which is thinner than wall paint. It's taking longer than Joe though b/c of the trade off between more thin coats, or one-two heavy coats of paint. I got a little frustrated with the painting, and since this is Joe's project, left him to continue the detail work Sunday night while I made cookies for a cookie exchange at my friend's office and a couple more diapers. Turns out, I'm getting pretty decent at making diapers now! Maybe next week I'll venture into new sewing territory, like baby pants! :)
Pictures are coming.... I promise!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Adventures in Cloth Diaper Making, Part I
Here are the first two I've made so far - the fitted is on the left and the pocket is on the right...
The fitted is a flannel outside and inside, and I sewed an old kitchen towel folded over a few times into the inside layer. The pocket is also flannel outside and inside, and has space to stuff microfiber inserts that I made from car detailing towels from Walmart. They both could close with pins, but I'll probably try to use velcro on the fitted... This picture doesn't do the size difference justice, but the navy blue one is designed to be one sized, where you can fold the back down to fit smaller babies. I don't know that I totally believe that it'll fit before he's 12ish pounds, but we'll see!
I had to compare the fitted that I made in the newborn size pattern with the small sized BumGenius diaper we bought at the cloth diaper store in St. Louis. I've obviously got a lot of work to do before mine look that nice, but not too shabby, for my first time! I think I may try to shorten the wing length and width if I do decide to use velcro, as they appear to overlap quite a bit. My elastic sewing skills are quite rough, but this attempt was much better than the diaper cover I made this past summer!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Thanksgiving Fun
We had a fun day in Chicago, stopping by the Crate and Barrell and Land of Nod outlets, IKEA, visiting the Museum of Science and Industry, and eating lunch/dinner at Lou Malnati's for some great deep dish pizza before leaving. The Museum was fun and had a variety of interesting exhibits, including the "You! The Experience," which had about 3 dozen fetuses that had been donated, which show exactly how a fetus grows and develops while in utero. I'd see the display before, but being pregnant gave it a whole different feel, particularly the fetus that was within a day of two of my pregnancy - it was unbelievable to see how the baby just looked like a slightly smaller than average little baby!
Joe's dad had graciously offered to buy the dresser for the nursery, which we had decided to get at IKEA. On Wednesday, our first full day in Detroit, Joe, his dad and I went to the IKEA there on our way to pick up Mike, Linda and Ethan from the airport. We had scoped out what we wanted while in Chicago, which was a good thing because delays on the highway cut our shopping time down to about 20 minutes! (Of course, we still didn't get it done that fast, but it was the fastest trip to IKEA we've ever had!) We ended up with not only a dresser, but a nightstand for next to the glider, some picture frames for the nursery and a few other odds and ends. In Chicago we found this mobile that is goofy but looks like Dr. Suess with a "red fish, blue fish" theme, too.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Starting to measure ahead...
In other baby news, Joe did a fantastic job this weekend in the nursery - all of the wallpaper paste is gone! Tonight he's sanding and mudding the walls, and tomorrow will bring more sanding and prepping. Looks like the room will be primed and ready to paint this weekend! (No, we still haven't picked paint colors, but we're at least getting closer). I spent a good chunk of today sewing up a few dozen cloth wipes, so I could get them finished and practice more sewing before I tackle the actual diapers and diaper covers. They certainly aren't pretty (light blue flannel on one side, and either white or grey cotton jersey on the other), but hopefully will useful and hold up to the frequent washings!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
We have a crib!
We've decided to go with a large white dresser from IKEA (at least, that's the plan), and we'll put the changing pad on top of the dresser. We plan to pick out and buy the dresser while we make the trip to Detroit for Thanksgiving, so hopefully we'll have all of the furniture before the end of November. Now we just have to finish the walls so we can bring all of the furniture into the room and clean the dining room/garage out....
We also made a trip to Hancock Fabrics on our way home to look for materials to make cloth diapers. We probably went a little overboard, but almost everything in the store was on sale 30-50% off, so we stocked up on a bunch of different fabrics. When I got home, after watching Mizzou beat KU (hooray!) I decided it was time to clean out the linen closet, and found about a dozen old kitchen and hand towels that we can also use to stuff the diapers with, so at this point, all I need to get is thread, elastic, and some aplix (softer and stronger velcro) and maybe snaps, and we'll be set! Oh, yeah, I guess I have a lot of sewing ahead of me!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Super Active and Snickerdoodles
Gary took Joe and me out to dinner last night, and afterward I really wanted to bake. I didn't really care what I made, just had that desire to do the baking. So Joe decided he wanted Snickerdoodles. I found a new recipe (at least I think it's new) that went together really quickly, and let's just say that after making just under 5 dozen cookies at 8:30pm, only a dozen were left this morning! Joe and Gary gave it great reviews, so I thought I'd post it. I'd post a picture, but the remainder went to work with Joe, and if I had to guess, they're gone by now!
1 cup shortening (I actually only had 1/2 c. shortening, so used that plus 1/2 c. unsalted softened butter)
1 1/2 cups white sugar
2 eggs
2 3/4 cups sifted all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
2 teaspoons cream of tartar
1/4 teaspoon salt
Cinnamon to taste
2 tablespoons white sugar
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.
In a large bowl, mix together the shortening and 1 1/2 cups of white sugar until smooth. Stir in the eggs one at a time, blending well after each. Combine the flour, baking soda, cream of tartar and salt; stir into the batter until blended. I also added cinnamon to the batter.
Roll the dough into balls the size of small walnuts. Roll in a mixture of 2 tablespoons sugar and 2 teaspoons cinnamon. Place 2 inches apart on an ungreased cookie sheet. The cookie balls didn't pick up much of the cinnamon/sugar mixture, so I sprinkled more on top after flattening the tops of the cookies slightly.
Bake in the preheated oven for 8 to 10 minutes or until lightly browned, but still soft.
These are the perfect texture - light crunch on the outside, but still super soft on the inside, and oh so good!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Baby Steps
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Nursery updates
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Fall fun
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Almost 100 days!
So tomorrow marks the 100 days left mark, and this week I'll be 26 weeks pregnant. I feel like I look so much more pregnant than the picture above shows, but I guess my growing chest doesn't help matters. The baby is doing well, he's getting really active and particularly enjoys kicking whichever side I'm trying to lay on when I go to sleep. Thus, I'm starting to get to the point of not being able to sleep soundly most nights. I know it's only going to get worse, so I'm trying to enjoy the few goods nights that I have when they happen!
I've started my work-from-home phase, but while I was in St. Louis, Joe started (much to my surprise) to work on the nursery. We had moved all of the furniture out a few weeks ago, and swapped our queen sized bed with my parents for a daybed/trundle that would fit up the stairs into our old office/new guest room upstairs. We haven't decided on how to paint the room, but Joe went ahead and tried to start priming the room. Unfortunately, the room has not one, but two layers of wallpaper, both of which were painted over, and made the prep a nightmare! By the time I got home, the wallpaper was all down, but the last layer of paste was still up and quite challenging to remove. We're still working on it, but hopefully will get it all off in the next few days so we can fix the cracks and bad spots in the plaster this weekend.
We think we've decided on a crib, and when we went to buy it, the salesperson let us know that the store was going to be having a big one day sale on the 14th. She advised us that they had plenty of the model and color we want in stock, and to wait to buy until then. Hopefully all of this will be worth it, as I'm starting to get nervous that we don't have any furniture at all!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Future dancer?
Anyway, the baby has been growing and getting stronger. It's fun to feel him moving around each day, but Joe still hadn't been able to feel him. Last night, I'm pretty sure little Joseph decided to have a dance party, b/c he was going strong for a solid hour and a half! Joe kept his hand on my belly for a little bit and felt him once, and again a little bit later for what was probably the strongest kick I've felt yet. Now that I'm past the halfway mark, it's crazy to think how soon we'll be able to meet this little guy, but we're definitely excited about that. I'll try to remember to take a belly picture this week for a progress update, but have no fear - it's definitely growing!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
It's a BOY!
Friday, September 11, 2009
18 weeks
I'm also sporting my newest maternity item, my under the belly Gap maternity jeans. These don't have any of the stretchy material at the belly, and instead sit low in front (but not so low you can see my underwear or anything). The elastic is hidden inside the jeans so there's no real evidence that they are maternity jeans. They have become my absolute favorite, although the little bit of stretch means they stretch out to the point of getting a little too loose. But that's ok, they still have the look and feel of my normal jeans, and best of all, weren't expensive and I was able to buy them in my normal pre-pregnancy size! What a pick-me-up!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
The ultrasound date is set!
Just for fun, I found a list of old wives tales to tell whether you're having a boy or girl and highlighted which things I'm identifying with ...
It's a boy if:
You didn't experience morning sickness in early pregnancy
Your baby's heart rate is less than 140 beats per minute
You are carrying the extra weight out front
Your belly looks like a basketball
Your areolas have darkened considerably
You are carrying low
You are craving salty or sour foods
You are craving protein -- meats and cheese
Your feet are colder than they were before pregnancy
The hair on your legs has grown faster during pregnancy
Your hands are very dry
Your pillow faces north when you sleep
Dad-to-be is gaining weight, right along with you (he, he, sorry Joe!)
Pregnancy has you looking better than ever
Your urine is bright yellow in color
Your nose is spreading
You hang your wedding ring over your belly and it moves in circles
You are having headaches
You add your age at the time of conception and the number for the month you conceived and the sum is an even number
It's a girl if:
You had morning sickness early in pregnancy
Your baby's heart rate is at least 140 beats per minute
You are carrying the weight in your hips and rear
Your left breast is larger than your right breast
Your hair develops red highlights
You are carrying high
Your belly looks like a watermelon
You are craving sweets
You are craving fruit
You crave orange juice
You don't look quite as good as normal during pregnancy
You are moodier than usual during pregnancy
Your face breaks out more than usual
You refuse to eat the heel of a loaf of bread
Your breasts have really blossomed!
Your pillow faces south when you sleep
Your urine is a dull yellow color
You hang your wedding ring over your belly and it moves from side to side
You add your age at the time of conception and the number for the month you conceived and the sum is an odd number
We'll find out soon!
Another milestone
Anyway, I went to a local consignment maternity store at lunch and bought another pair of maternity jeans, since my first pair seem to need a much larger belly to stay up. Hopefully these will work out for the next few weeks, and at $15, I don't mind the "splurge"!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Monthly Doctor's Appointment
Next up? Scheduling our big ultrasound! Sometime in the next few weeks we'll get a chance to see the baby again and find out if it's a boy or girl. We have to wait another 2-3 weeks, which I'm sure will be here before we know it, especially with how busy our schedules are. We can't wait!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Week 14 pictures
This is me exactly two weeks ago, at 12 weeks pregnant. It was my first time wearing a maternity shirt, and if you saw the front facing picture, you'd see just how baggy it is. I don't really look too different, although at 12 weeks I started losing my waist and my middle was getting thicker.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Belly on the way
Most of my jeans and shorts still fit, but are getting rather tight at the waist. Yesterday I was doing laundry and tried to get it all finished, but the jeans and shorts were the last load to be finished, and weren't dry this morning. Since I didn't have anything else to wear, and didn't want to wear a dress to work, I pulled the maternity jeans out of the bag that has been sitting on the floor for the last couple of weeks and decided I'd wear them today. Now, the elastic waist is quite comfortable, but I definitely put them on too soon - I can't hardly keep them up! Not that they're falling down, but they keep slowly creeping down to the point where I feel like the crotch is down around my knees. Sigh. I'm officially to the point of being a little too snug in my normal clothes to be comfortable (and not look like I'm really pudgy), but nowhere near big enough for true maternity clothes. Hopefully this period won't last too long, b/c I'm going to get really tired of the limited options I currently have!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Anyway, I've seen some people post "stats" with their weekly pictures, including weight gain, cravings, how they're feeling, and other random things about that week. I'll try to do the same, but since my pregnancy so far has been quite symptom-free, it may not be too exciting! *Knocking on wood that it stays this way*
In other news, we started looking at baby items this weekend, since we figure we need to know what we're getting ourselves into and registering for baby goods, although a ways off, seems much more intimidating that registering for wedding presents! All of you with small children, we have decided that you are a much better resource for knowing what we "need" versus what Babies 'R' Us says, so don't be surprised when we start asking a million questions!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
I think hell just froze over
A couple of weeks ago, Joe and I woke up to the sound of chainsaws humming. When we looked outside, we noticed these neighbors had a tree trimming service working in their front yard, taking a tree out. We crossed our fingers that they'd get to the back yard, and a few hours later, I discovered the workers starting to cut down a tree that was growing over the fence and brushing our roof, directly over the power lines to our house! I was so excited I was almost stunned, and sat watching as a few workers continued to take their heavy duty chainsaws to the bushes along the fence line. Although I would have really enjoyed watching this continue, I had to go to work. That night, we returned home to find that a good portion of the bushes along the fence had been cut way back, and a few trees that hung over our property were gone. While we were excited about the developments, we quickly came to the realization that now we could look into their yard, and the sight wasn't any better than the green, leafy 8' privacy fence we'd actually come to enjoy somewhat.
That was then. This morning, as Joe and I got up to go swimming before work, the tree trimmers pulled in the neighbors' driveway. Knowing that there wasn't anything left in the front yard to tackle, we could only assume that they were back to (hopefully!) finish the back yard. You saw the before picture above.... here's how their yard (and our view) changed and looks today....
Monday, July 27, 2009
First attempt at sewing
Once I had the bobbin filled and needle threaded, I set out to try the diaper cover - it had the fewest steps of all of the patterns, so I figured I couldn't screw it up that much.
Another year older
I had asked Joe to bake my birthday cake himself, as opposed to buying one from the store. I actually prefer homemade cakes anyway, and I couldn't tell you the last time Joe made and decorated a cake, so I wanted to see what he could do. When we got home from dinner, he set about icing, assembling and decorating my cake, using the new cake plate I got from my parents for my bday. Joe's gift to me was a new camera, which I'm really excited about - it's so much faster than my old camera, with a digital screen that you can actually see pictures on! When Joe finally announced the cake was ready, I grabbed the camera to take a few pictures - he did a fantastic job! It not only looked great, but tasted delicious!
I'd love to report that we went out on the town later that night, but the dinner, cake and not enough sleep from traveling all week apparently took its toll, as I was falling asleep on the couch by 10pm! Oh well, it was still a great birthday!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Heat Wave
Joe came home around 8:15, and the power was still off. Knowing that everything in the fridge and freezer was subject to going bad, (and having no way, other than the outdoor grill, to cook) we decided to go out for dinner. That took about an hour after trying to decide what we wanted, and discovering that our first choice had basically closed the kitchen already. When we returned home after 9:30 and still had no power, we realized that it may not be coming back for a while. Unfortunately for us, the brief rain showers and storm didn't drop the temperature very much, and the forecast was for the temp to creep back up as night went on. Joe decided to set up an air mattress in the basement. Sleeping in the dank basement on an air mattress sounded like a good idea because it was so much cooler down there, but after sore shoulders, necks, arms, etc, I headed back upstairs in the middle of the night to crawl into our much more comfortable bed. The worse part was not being able to turn on a fan and circulate any area, as there was no wind outside and the ambient air temperature just kept getting warmer and muggier.
Neither of us got much sleep, and as of 11 am the power was still off this morning. Our dogs got to stay at my sister's house, since we didn't want to leave them outside (today's high was forecast to be 96) and couldn't trust that the power would be restored soon enough to cool the inside of the house down. Luckily, when I got home tonight, the power was back on - I definitely wasn't ready to brave another night of no power and no air conditioning! Boy, do we have a greater appreciation for these modern conveniences!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
The countdown begins!
Sunday we put a second coat of paint on the ceiling panels, anticipating that Joe and a friend would start hanging them Sunday evening. Well, we didn't get started in time, so Joe pushed back the install job until Monday night after spinning class with said friend. On Monday, he managed to convince a couple other friends to come over and help as well, so we thought, no problem, we'll get them hung in a couple of hours! Well, that may have been the case, had Joe not forgotten to get all the necessary supplies ahead of time, and then left his wallet with one of the guys. So they didn't get started until around 7:30 or 8pm. Did I mention how horrifically hot it is right now, too? These poor 4 guys sweated more installing two ceiling panels than they did in their hour long spin class! By 9:30 they called it quits.
So now, we have 2 of 6 panels hung, and before the weekend Joe will re-install the ceiling fan and have that operational, as the next panel will cover that ceiling space above the fan. Saturday is the date to resume and finish hanging the ceiling, leaving us Sunday to touch up the paint, install the trim and hopefully finish the project (as much as we've decided we're going to do to call it done). Then Wednesday night, family starts to arrive and hopefully enjoy the finished porch!
Stay tuned!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Summer Fun
Since the end of May, we've done a fair share of grilling, and really enjoy trying new things. It's nice having dinner cooked so quickly, and not heating up the kitchen in the process. When everyone comes to visit for the 4th of July, hopefully Joe will have perfected his techniques!
In other news, remember that "weekend project" of re-doing our screened porch? We started that last year, on the 4th of July weekend. Progress? Nope. We worked frantically to paint the ceiling panels before everyone came over on Memorial Day, but realized we need to brace a beam in the roof that is cracking. And since then, everything's sat in the same place. I don't think it's asking too much to have the project complete before its 1 year anniversary, do you? :)
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Fun and Active Weekend
Sunday, Joe and a friend plotted to get me and the friend's girlfriend out to go golfing. I hadn't been for almost 2 years, and was a little reluctant, but agreed to go anyway. Joe and I split a bucket of golf balls at the driving range waiting for the others to show up. I figured, ehh, I'm probably a little rusty, but it can't be that ugly, right? WRONG! I missed the ball completely the first few times I swung, and the next dozen only moved a few feet. Getting more nervous, I insisted we split another bucket until I could tell I was settling down and my swing was coming back. We started the 9 hole course, and my game was definitely off. As we continued down the course, a miraculous thing happened - I got better! Unfortunately for Joe, it seemed that I may have been stealing his skills, because as my game improved, his worsened. We only had a little tantrum on the course, and no mom, it wasn't me! :)
Yesterday I opted to relax at home instead of doing work, and definitely paid for it today. Last night I made dinner, using Jill's meatloaf recipe that Joe and I both love. I decided to try something new as a side... instead of traditional mashed potatoes, and mashed cauliflower! I'd read that mashed cauliflower is a much better substitute for potatoes, and has a similar taste. I have always hated cauliflower and have been looking for ways to eat more vegetables. Turns out, with a little milk, garlic, salt and pepper, they really were pretty good! They definitely didn't taste exactly like mashed potatoes, and I need to perfect the recipe, but I plan on making them again. Once I figure out the recipe, I'll be sure to post it, as I think it's a great side dish that's tasty and really healthy!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
More exciting news
In other news, it turns out the sweat and blisters of last week's yard work will pay off! After a great rainfall this weekend, I went outside tonight to see if any grass was starting to grow. Finally, tons of tiny shoots are coming up! Now the challenge will be to keep the dogs off the large patch so that the grass actually has a chance to fully come in. That's definitely easier said than done!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Sunday fun
We started with the garage, which once again became the storage unit and kept both of our cars outside on the driveway. Most of the clutter came from bigger items, and things that just needed to be cleaned up and put away after collecting dust from the kitchen construction. It didn't take too long to get it emptied and cleaned out, (it is only a single car garage, mind you!) so we kept working and turned our attention to the cars. Both needed serious attention, more inside than out. A few hours later, my car was completely clean, and the inside of Joe's was looking much better!
After a quick lunch break, we ran to Lowe's to pick up a few basement subfloor tiles, designed for basements with moisture issues. I'm going to go out on a limb and say the small springs of water that flow from the natural stone walls in our basement during a heavy rain qualify us for "moisture issues!" The neat thing about this subfloor system is that it's pressed plywood attached to a layer of plastic grating, similar to the inside of an egg carton. The plastic part is on the bottom, so if there is moisture, it doesn't damage the wood above. The downside is that the subflooring is rather expensive, so we decided to try a few pieces on the cabinets we saved from the old kitchen that Joe's turning into a new workbench. We're planning on watching to see how well it works, and then may use it down the road if and when we finish the rest of the basement.
When we got home from Lowe's, we avoided any temptation to stop working, and headed straight downstairs. We had piles of dirty laundry that needed to be done, and yet another leftover workspace from the kitchen that was covered in sawdust and drywall dust. A few hours later, the basement was starting to look better, so we kept going. I think one of the things that kept us going was that while it was a warm 80 degrees upstairs, the basement was nice and cool. Not wanting to go hang out in the hot, humid living room above, we decided to arrange the old couches we've been storing in the basement and TV that we were planning on getting rid of into a second living/TV room. Joe even figure out how to re-run the cable lines in the house to add cable to the basement TV! We spent the rest of the afternoon doing laundry and watching a movie in our new space.
And the storm that pushed us to work quickly and finish ahead of it's forecast early afternoon arrival? It didn't roll into the area until much later, around 11pm. No hail, no damaging winds, but enough rain to start examining whether those subfloor tiles will be a good product for us or not!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
One more first
Friday, April 24, 2009
A Week of Firsts
1. Joe and I had our first dinner, just the two of us, at our dining room table. Ever. It's only the 3rd or 4th time we've sat at it, usually for bigger family events. I decided that it's time for us to start eating healthier, and thus made a salad, salmon and asparagus for dinner. Joe decided that a dinner that nice deserved to be eaten at the real table!
2. Joe has started meeting with spanish speaking clients through an arrangement with another attorney who has staff that are fluent in spanish. He's been wanting to brush up and re-learn spanish for a while now, and this has given him a good reason to pursue it further. However, yesterday he came home and commented that he's finding that he's able to start filling in for the interpreter and even understanding/speaking more himself, without having taken any lessons since high school.
3. This morning, I fed the dogs and then got into the shower. I don't typically close the door to the bathroom b/c our fan doesn't work very well, so I try not to let the steam accumulate. Imagine my surprise when all of a sudden I felt something furry brush against my leg from behind... it was LUCY! For some completely unknown reason, the dog who almost tries to hide whenever it's bath time decided to hop into the shower with me, and proceeded to sit down in the tub! I have no idea what prompted it, but the thought of Lucy's first voluntary bath is enough to make me laugh.
4. This is apparently my first post in over a month. I apologize for not keeping up with it better! Now that spring is here, my business is crazy and I'm working many long hours. I'll try to do better, but make no guarantees!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Not much new going on
In other news, I bought a boat! It's an older Hobie 16 catamaran, pictured below. We'll probably use it at the store for lessons and maybe rent it out, but it should provide Joe, me and our friends lots of enjoyment this summer. These boats can sail crazy fast, with one hull out of the water and the crew hanging on over the edge of the boat to keep it from flipping over. Lisa, Linda, Mike and Dan, if any or all of you come out this summer, be forewarned - you will be going sailing! :) I have yet to sail a Hobie 16, and I'm usually a little chicken when it comes to sailing small racing boats, but I have great hopes that this boat will help me become much more confident. If not, at least I tried!
Not much else is going on. The weather has been quite nice, so hopefully this weekend we'll get some of the remaining house projects finished - ceiling installed in the porch, rescreen the sections the dogs ran/fell through, clean up the yard and get ready for spring planting!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
What's a lonely girl to do?
So since Thursday, after signing on the refi of our house, it's been the pups and me. I realized last night that it has been a really long time since I've been home alone without Joe - usually it's the other way around. Turns out, it's pretty boring! Joe got me a sewing machine for Christmas, which I haven't even gotten out of the box. With all of the house projects, it was pushed to the back of my mind. I guess sitting around with nothing to do got me to think about that sewing machine, just collecting dust in the basement. So after work last night, I headed to Jo-Ann's to look at patterns and fabrics and whatnot. I sewed for probably all of 4 hours about 15 years ago, so I'm a beginner's beginner, beside watching my mom sew when we were kids. I found a "sew easy!" dress pattern for $2.99 and decided it's never been a better time to get started.
Of course, by the time I finally got home, I realized the house needs to be cleaned before I start a new project. Sigh. My plans for the rest of today are to clean, try to take down the Christmas lights, that yes, are still up (but haven't been turned on in 2009!) and get ready to start cutting the pattern tomorrow. Eek! We'll see just how crafty this old girl is :)
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Not beans, nor blowing raspberries, but
Anyway, I also found Obama's The Audacity of Hope which I figured would be a good thing to have read. So now there's no excuse for late night TV watching - we have a lot of reading to do over the next week or so.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
In other news, the lawsuit is officially over. What a relief! Now we are able to close on the refinance of our home on Wednesday and check that off the list. As I know I've mentioned before, we're going to be able to use the new equity in the house to go from 2 loans, one being an ARM that resets in 3 1/2 years, to 1 fixed rate loan with a lower interest rate. We'll be saving a few hundred dollars each month, which is a welcome change.
Oh, and although today is the last day of February, we managed to have a snow storm come through and drop more snow than we've received all year on us! So far we've got about 4 inches, and it's still falling. It hasn't snowed enough this year (in my opinion, so I can't wait to go home after work and play with the pups, then relax on the couch watching movies or something. It's been almost 3 weeks since I've had a weekend off, and I'm definitely ready!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Last Round of Boat Shows
We decided to go big at this last Kansas City store, and practically emptied my store of its inventory to set up in our 5,000 square foot show space. It's a good thing store traffic is still slow, as I have had next to nothing to show customers this week! We started setting up for this particular show last Tuesday, and the show opened for last Friday-Sunday. I got to work at the store, catching up, this week, and tomorrow starts the last weekend. We had some really good traffic last weekend, with a few customers expressing very promising interest. I'm cautiously optimistic that we may sell a big boat or two at the show this weekend, or in the week immediately following the close of the show.
In other news, it looks like the lawsuit we have been involved in for the last year and a half is going to be settled in the next week.
Things are really starting to come together! I'd love to say we can relax and de-stress, but Joe's busier than ever for business this Spring, and I'll be the same in another couple of weeks. Hopefully things will continue to work out for us this year, despite all of the economic doom and gloom out there :)