Sunday, April 15, 2012

That's my boy!

At about 9:15, I could hear squeaking in 7's room. He had been in bed for about an hour and he was still awake and jumping on the bed. I told Lauren and she advised me to crack the door and tell him to go to sleep. I tip toed back to his door but couldn't hear him anymore. I cracked the door anyway and he was laying on his pillow, still covered with his blanket. He got up on his elbows and, with an extremely innocent but wide awake look, said, "blankie," while pointing at his blanket. I agreed that he had a blanket on while stroking his hair and telling him to go to sleep. That's when I noticed that he was hot and sweaty. The little turd heard me coming, laid down, pulled his blanket up, and made sure to point out that he clearly wasn't jumping on his bed because he was still under the covers.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Tucked in with "baby sister."

Last night, we learned that we don't head butt our sister and we don't feed grapes to the baby. I can't wait to see what he learns tomorrow.

- Joe VI