In September and October, pretty much everything that could be considered non-essential was put on hold while my job with TVIB went into overdrive. I'm just now starting to find time to catch up, and the blog definitely suffered.
Luckily I have three super sweet kids who make the crazy hours worth it. Like this little guy, who discovered a friend in the mirror who kept him super entertained.
With the weather so nice, we tried to get out every once in a while. In general, exercising has completely fallen by the wayside, and I went for my first run in weeks yesterday. It felt great to be back out there!
Although my view has changed, as Jack is now big enough to sit in the BOB without the car seat. He loved it!
We started on solids foods with Jack right after Maddie's birthday. He figured it out right away and we've been introducing lots of new foods this last month.
Bath time is still lots of fun!
In mid September we drove to Indiana for Joe's cousin Kyle's wedding. The kids had an absolute blast! Maddie loved following the bride, Ashly, around and figured out the dollar dance right away. She kept asking me for money so she could dance with her!
The kids did great and we stayed quite a bit past bedtime. Joseph slept in late the following morning, and by the time we finished breakfast, Jack was ready for his nap.
Maddie found her flower girl dress and insisted on wearing it to school. After a few practice twirls, of course!
She is so independent. This little girl can do anything she sets her mind to. Although she can be defiant and easily frustrated, but she's still working on how to accept help. I think she's going to be working on that for a long time to come. But for now, it's fun watching her figure things out for herself, like insisting she can get her shoes on all by herself.