Thursday, January 17, 2008

So Long, Farewell...

After a little over 1 year of working for my current company, I have decided it's time to move on. It's hard to believe, but tomorrow is my last day. I'm definitely going to miss a lot of the people I work with, especially since my new job won't have nearly the employee base that I have here. Other than that, I'm really excited to move on. I'll try to continue updating the blog, but I'll be traveling quite a bit over the next few weeks so I'm not sure how consistent I'll be.

1 comment:

Dan said...

Keep us posted on the new business. I'm excited to hear how it goes.

In response to Joe's comments on my blog: I am pretty sure that in the van picture, you and James are exchanging some kind of goofiness. I'm not sure how to interpret my look :) And the color? I definitely agree with the funny part, but I do think they left out the "loves skipping in fields of daisies" that would fit so well with the rest of the description :)