Thursday, June 11, 2009

Summer Fun

Over Memorial Day weekend, Joe's mom and step-dad were in town. We had a great time visiting with them, and upon realizing that our old grill was all rusted and needed the insides replaced, Jill bought Joe a new grill as an early birthday present. We had a great time grilling almost every lunch/dinner, and trying new foods on the grill. A week or so later, we went to this great store, called Smoke N' Fire, that specializes in all things BBQ (and fireplaces, but that's a different story). Joe was like a kid in a candy store, with all of the utensils, books, grills, and accessories. They also have an incredible selection of BBQ sauces, rubs, marinades and whatnot, so we went ahead and picked up a few different items to try.

Since the end of May, we've done a fair share of grilling, and really enjoy trying new things. It's nice having dinner cooked so quickly, and not heating up the kitchen in the process. When everyone comes to visit for the 4th of July, hopefully Joe will have perfected his techniques!

In other news, remember that "weekend project" of re-doing our screened porch? We started that last year, on the 4th of July weekend. Progress? Nope. We worked frantically to paint the ceiling panels before everyone came over on Memorial Day, but realized we need to brace a beam in the roof that is cracking. And since then, everything's sat in the same place. I don't think it's asking too much to have the project complete before its 1 year anniversary, do you? :)

1 comment:

Joe VI said...

No one seems to agree with you. ;)