Thursday, May 20, 2010

First major milestone accomplished!

Well, it's official, he rolled today! At the end of his tummy time session, he managed to fluidly roll from his belly to his back, and then proceeded to give me a look like, well, of course I can do it! It's only happened once, but I'm sure he'll keep it up. So at 3 months, 1 day, Joseph rolled over.

He also has really started using his hands more. Not that he'll pick up toys, but if we put something in front of him, he'll quickly grab on and then bring it to his mouth. And speaking of things going into his mouth, he has finally started using his thumb as his favorite soothie, more than a pacifier! This has come in really handy this week as we've tried hard to work on sleep training. It's so nice to be able to put him down and not hear a peep, check in and see him sound asleep, or dozing with his thumb in his mouth. Last night we upped the amount of rice cereal in his bottle, and for the first time in weeks he slept soundly for 6 1/2 hours! Hooray! Now if I could only kick this sinus cold I've developed which is making it hard for me to sleep, and we'll all actually get some rest. Here's hoping that tonight goes as good or better than last night.

And I got the baptism pictures, so here are a few... My sister Ashley and Joe's best friend from college, Kyle, are Joseph's godparents. Kyle even flew in for the event, from his new home in North Carolina. One of the really neat things about the day, is that the priest who baptized me, way back in 1981 when he was a relatively new priest, also married Joe and me in 2006, and then agreed to be present to baptize Joseph!

After the baptism... he was all smiles and wanted to see what was going on behind him... (grandparents were in the pew behind us, making faces:) )

Many of my dad's siblings were able to attend, including my uncle Jeff, his wife Carol, my aunts Vicki and Judith, and Jeff's kids Laurie and Steven. Somehow we took took long to do this "Parsonage" family picture that we forgot to take one with Nana and Papa (my mom's parents)! My mom's brother, Dave, and his wife and their two kids met us afterward, along with some family friends.

We had a small party at my parent's house afterward. Nana really had a blast talking to Joseph, who wasn't really sure about the whole thing at first...

But he soon figured out that she was talking his language and started talking and cooing back, so much so that he was cracking everyone in the room up!

1 comment:

Linda said...

How fun to have so many big events happen with the same Priest and at the same church! It's cool seeing another family picture on the steps of that church!