Thursday, March 8, 2012

Baby Bump

I realize I haven't announced it on the blog, but since everyone who reads the blog knows already, it didn't seem like too big of a deal, but baby Jeppson #2 is on the way! I'm approximately 14 weeks pregnant now, with a due date of early September (no ultrasound yet = no official date, but we're going with Sept. 8th).

I enjoyed being pregnant with Joseph, but definitely took the "eating for two" thing to the extremes, as I ended up gaining over 50 pounds with him! Eek! Luckily, after months of hard work and determination, and I lost it all, and then managed to lose another 10 or so over the past year. I was determined to start this pregnancy healthier, with a different mindset for my second time around. Luckily, Joseph keeps me busy enough that this time I didn't really have the time to sit and focus on being newly pregnant. Other than being more tired than normal, I didn't have any bad first trimester issues - not a bout of morning sickness or anything! So it hasn't felt real until, quite honestly, this past week.

I've also decided to be much better about monitoring my food intake and exercise amounts with this pregnancy. Whereas with Joseph I never stepped on the scale, save for the requisite trips to the doctor, this time I'm monitoring my weight and calorie intake daily so I can keep tabs on whether I'm overeating or staying right on track. Not to say I'm dieting, because that's definitely not the case, but I certainly don't need to be eating crazy amounts of food and giving in to every "craving" for sugar. At this point, I'm up about 4 lbs, which is right on target, especially considering I didn't have any morning sickness. In the end, I'm really hoping to stay under 35 lbs gained total, but if it doesn't happen, at least I know I'll have tried harder this time around.

Back to things starting to seem real. All of my clothes still fit, although this week the waist of some of my pants are starting to get snug. And for good reason - Joe and I agree that I'm definitely starting to show a definite little bump! I mean, it's not that noticeable unless I'm wearing a shirt that hangs close to my stomach, but it's there and growing. I'm hoping to be able to stay in my regular clothes for at least a few more weeks, especially since now I have to wear dress pants to work and really don't want to invest in new clothes for a temporary job! We took pictures tonight to document, but for some reason the card reader in my computer won't take the SD card, so I'm kinda out of luck for posting them right now. As soon as we figure out what's going on, though, we will!

1 comment:

Angie said...

I bought a belly band or bella band or something like that at target. Do you have one? It is basically a tube top for your belly. You can wear it over your pants (unzipped) which gives you a few more weeks of non-maternity pants. You could try that. I loved wearing maternity pants though so I was eager to start wearing them. :)