Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Enjoying the spring!

Save for one crazy week when it snowed in May, we've finally been able to get outside and enjoy the nice spring weather! Since Madeline was so young in the fall, the last few weeks have really been her introduction to playing outside. She's still not sure what to make of the grass, but is happy to be playing with Joseph.

Joseph loves mowing the back yard with dad, and with all of the rain we've had, the grass has been growing like crazy.

These are just a few shots of Madeline enjoying a meal. She absolutely loves to eat, and even though she's just cut her first tooth in the last week, she manages to gnaw through amazing amounts of solid foods. We still give her baby food by spoon, but she much prefers to eat chunks of banana, pear, avocado, peaches, peas, green beans, carrots, corn, cereal, string cheese, bread, eggs, etc. And she's a huge fan of ice cream! There have already been a few meals where Madeline puts away more than Joseph, so I'm sure things will really get interesting when she finishes her dinner and then goes after his!

Joseph has really taken to liking ice cream this spring, too. We love going to a little place "Dips & Sips" in Mission for a scoop of ice cream. Previously, he'd eat a few bites out of a cup and decide he was done. Lately, though, he'll get a scoop on a cone and eat almost the entire thing!

Amusing as it is, he'll frequently ask for ice cream after he eats his whole dinner. Or he'll ask to go pick up dog poop in the back yard. Those two things rank pretty high with him. For some reason, it's high on his list of things to make sure daddy does. I'm glad it's a daddy task!

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