Thursday, September 26, 2013


I've slowly been setting up shop in our home office/craft room. I was hoping that having my own space for all of my crafting and sewing supplies, with a door I could close to keep little people out and my messes contained, would encourage me to spend more time working on my projects. And although it isn't anywhere near as organized as I'd like for it to be, I'm downstairs working almost daily! 

Last weekend I decided to make a new dress for Madeline. The colors in these pictures are a little off, but I had the brown floral fat quarter and wanted to play around with a pillowcase style dress. Adding the ruffle and making the bias tape took me a bit, but I'm happy with how it turned out. 

I have a few other sewing projects for her and Joseph in the works. And I stare at the bag holding my still unfinished Advent Calendar every time I'm down there, so I know I need to spend the couple of hours putting it together soon!

After birthday season for us ended (3 birthdays in about 6 weeks!), I realized that I was missing having a fall wreath for the front door. I had fun looking at Pinterest for ideas, and came across a burlap wreath with hydrageas and a monogram that I really liked. Of course, it was just a picture from an Etsy seller, with a $70 price tag. After multiple trips to Jo-Ann and Hobby Lobby, I found the supplies I needed, read a few tutorials, and came up with this for about half the cost of the Etsy wreath:

I'm pleased with how it turned out, and so far it's holding up nicely. I'm glad we have a bit of protection over the front door, so unless it rains like crazy sideways, I don't have to think about bringing it inside at all. 

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