Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Potty Training Success!

We have been working more consistently and diligently with Maddie on potty training. She was super interested and started training herself in the fall, but all of our trips between Thanksgiving and Christmad, plus lots of sick days, meant we hadn't been consistent and she had lost interest. 

For the past week she and I have made valiant efforts to get her across the finish line, and today was a big milestone-  she kept her pull up dry all day, including at naptime, even through school! I know we still have a ways to go before this is a daily consistency, but looking at 5 days of being home means we are ready to switch into real undies and keep rocking the progress. Here's to hoping I have at least a couple months of diaper free days, before baby throws us back to square 1!

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