Saturday, April 25, 2009

One more first

I forgot another first for us. The other night, I decided to try a new recipe. It's one that I've looked at many times in the past and thought about making, but never had all of the ingredients. Thursday night I had all but one, and decided to go ahead and try it - Penne with Spinach Sauce. It called for goat cheese, which we don't ever have on hand and I didn't want to make a special trip to the stores, so I decided to substitute. The recipe is really easy - mix the ingredients for the sauce in a food processor while the pasta cooks, combine and voila! it's ready to go. Except our processor is a Magic Bullet, a very small, albeit great processor. It took much longer to mix the sauce, and as I tasted it, realized it had an overwhelming garlic flavor, despite all of the fresh spinach, cheese and spices that were also mixed in. I kept trying to dilute it, and then gave up. I tried a few bites and found it tolerable, but in the end threw mine out and ate a bowl of cereal for dinner. Joe, on the other hand, had seconds! I am fairly certain this was the first meal I've prepared that I disliked enough to not finish while Joe not only finished it but enjoyed it to eat it again. Oh well. We decided that the goat cheese must have been an important part of the recipe, but I'm not sure I'll ever give it a second chance!

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