Friday, April 24, 2009

A Week of Firsts

On my way into work this morning, I realized that a lot of things, albeit small, happened for the first time this week...

1. Joe and I had our first dinner, just the two of us, at our dining room table. Ever. It's only the 3rd or 4th time we've sat at it, usually for bigger family events. I decided that it's time for us to start eating healthier, and thus made a salad, salmon and asparagus for dinner. Joe decided that a dinner that nice deserved to be eaten at the real table!

2. Joe has started meeting with spanish speaking clients through an arrangement with another attorney who has staff that are fluent in spanish. He's been wanting to brush up and re-learn spanish for a while now, and this has given him a good reason to pursue it further. However, yesterday he came home and commented that he's finding that he's able to start filling in for the interpreter and even understanding/speaking more himself, without having taken any lessons since high school.

3. This morning, I fed the dogs and then got into the shower. I don't typically close the door to the bathroom b/c our fan doesn't work very well, so I try not to let the steam accumulate. Imagine my surprise when all of a sudden I felt something furry brush against my leg from behind... it was LUCY! For some completely unknown reason, the dog who almost tries to hide whenever it's bath time decided to hop into the shower with me, and proceeded to sit down in the tub! I have no idea what prompted it, but the thought of Lucy's first voluntary bath is enough to make me laugh.

4. This is apparently my first post in over a month. I apologize for not keeping up with it better! Now that spring is here, my business is crazy and I'm working many long hours. I'll try to do better, but make no guarantees!


Mom said...

Great update. I love hearing what's going on. See you soon.

Mom said...

That is wonderful about eating in the dining room! So proud of you... we all need to take more time and enjoy the things that we take for granted. It's the small things that can mean the most!Love,