Monday, July 27, 2009

Another year older

Saturday was my 28th birthday, and unfortunately I had to work. On the other hand, we had a pretty good day at the store, selling a kayak, some lessons and general store merchandise, so at least I wasn't bored! Joe made the day great - I had breakfast in bed before work, he brought me lunch, and then after work we went to The Legends to do some shopping. Now that I'm at 11 1/2 weeks pregnant, my clothes aren't fitting as well as they used to! I have gotten through the first trimester really lucky - no morning sickness, only little bits of nausea, and no real food aversions. Unfortunately, that means that my appetite has been healthy, but the fatigue has lessened my ability to work out, which doesn't mean good things for my waistline! So it's time for the maternity t-shirts and my first attempt with maternity jeans. After shopping we ate dinner at Cheeseburger in Paradise, which was actually quite good.

I had asked Joe to bake my birthday cake himself, as opposed to buying one from the store. I actually prefer homemade cakes anyway, and I couldn't tell you the last time Joe made and decorated a cake, so I wanted to see what he could do. When we got home from dinner, he set about icing, assembling and decorating my cake, using the new cake plate I got from my parents for my bday. Joe's gift to me was a new camera, which I'm really excited about - it's so much faster than my old camera, with a digital screen that you can actually see pictures on! When Joe finally announced the cake was ready, I grabbed the camera to take a few pictures - he did a fantastic job! It not only looked great, but tasted delicious!

I'd love to report that we went out on the town later that night, but the dinner, cake and not enough sleep from traveling all week apparently took its toll, as I was falling asleep on the couch by 10pm! Oh well, it was still a great birthday!


Mom said...

I think it is the best 28 year old birthday cake I ever saw!!!! Way to go Joe!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Happy birthday and congratulation for your pregnancy hun! Have loved reading your blog! I Just had my first baby, such a wonderful experience. Best of luck to all the other mums out there! If you are thinking of names by the way, check out where you can search names by meaning and origin. My little boy is called Marlow and he is just perfect (although a very hungry and greedy little scamp - hence me being pretty tired). xx Jo