Sunday, June 6, 2010

Swimming, swimming, in my swimming pool...

Friday afternoon Joe called around 4:15 to let me know that he was on his way home from work a little early so that we could take Joseph to the swimming pool! Luckily, Joseph had just gotten up from a nap, eaten and was in a good mood, so I quickly changed him into his baby rashguard and swim shorts, grabbed a few towels, and we waited for Joe to get home. We made it to the pool by 4:45 and headed to the baby pool to try it out.

Joseph loved it! At first he was a little reserved, but as Joe sat him in the water, he started splashing and kicking a little. He mainly stared at the water, trying to figure out how to stick it in his mouth.

Joseph really likes to "stand" and has gotten very good at supporting himself with just a little help from us.

After spending a bit in the baby pool, we took him over to the bigger pool and played with him there for a while. We ended up spending about 45 minutes in the pool before Joseph got fussy and it was time to get him home for a nap. It was such a fun experience; we can't wait to take him back!


Linda said...

What a cutie! That picture of him standing is adorable!

Mom said...

Those pictures just make me smile!!! It is rainy and stormy here and seeing the boys in the pool is too cute!!