Tuesday, December 14, 2010

From Bad to Worse

Just when we thought the remodel couldn't get much worse, it did. Apparently our house is the structural twin to the house in the movie "The Money Pit." And boy is it. Remember the wall with the termite damage upstairs? Yeah, well, when opening that space to find out just how far the damage went, the contractor discovered adjacent water damage, to the tune of that whole upstairs wall has to be torn completely out (think snowflakes blowing in through the space where an exterior wall should be) and rebuilt. And that 2-3 week timeframe? Yeah, it's been obliterated. So fun. The only upside is that with all of this mess happening in just about every corner of the house, we may just decide to go ahead and finish the upstairs into the remodeled space we were hoping to do next year, so the weeks can turn into a couple months and just be finished for good. We'll see. Here's hoping tomorrow doesn't bring more bad news.