Thursday, April 28, 2011

Easter Candy Regrets

I realized that I had forgotten to post pictures of our actual Easter morning. This year Joseph was a little unsure of what all the morning fuss was, and wasn't really excited to see the haul that the Easter bunny had brought for him, including the Cars movie, Incredibles movie and some candy filled eggs. You would think after the fun of the Easter egg hunt the day before and loving the Tootsie Rolls and Smarties candies he had found in those eggs, he'd be more excited to see more eggs. Not so. I swear this was his expression for the first few minutes that he was up and looking at the basket.

That is, until we helped him pop open an egg and let him take out the peanut butter M&Ms that were inside the egg. Then he happily wore this expression for the next few hours...

And he learned that those big plastic eggs hold LOTS of goodies! So many candies, so little room for real breakfast. I swear the kiddo ate a few dozen M&Ms and luckily Daddy helped with an egg full of Starburst jelly beans, otherwise he would have finished those off too.

Such a happy little man! He thought all of this was great, and being the dumb parents we are, we were happy to watch him gobble up food. I mean, this is the kid who hardly eats all day and now he can't get enough? Wahoo!

Until it was time to get everyone in the car for the 2 minute car ride to church. Joe was running late, so I got Joseph in the car seat, thinking I'd help us get to church on time. Except remember all that candy for breakfast? Yeah, it didn't like being in his belly. So the regurgitated version ended up all over his church shirt. Sigh. I ran inside to grab a new outfit for him while Joe finished up, and luckily we still made it to church on time.

The rest of the day was pretty laid back and like any other recent day... lots of painting for me, and Joe entertaining Joseph so he'd stay off the step ladder and out of the paint cans. Joe made our Easter dinner for the 3 of us, which was delicious, but we ended up with enough food to feed a dozen people. It just seemed weird to have a holiday meal without anyone else to share it with.

And with all of his new-found signing abilities, Joseph has figured out the signs for "eat," "more," and "please." Especially when there's candy in plastic eggs involved. Unfortunately, that's all he wants to eat now. I did figure out that if I put small bits of food, like peas and carrots, into said plastic eggs, it is still kinda fun for a 14 month old and worthy of eating (yup, the little guy still loves his frozen fruits and veggies more than just about anything... except candy!). But for the most part, when he signs "eat" all he really wants is sugar. Oops. We're weaning him off this sugar high, slowly.

Just to document, here's a list of words he can sign well and uses frequently: eat, more, please, thank you, car, all done, milk, juice, sleep, train, hat (which frequently ends up being the sign for dad too).

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