Friday, August 5, 2011

Sweet Teeth

Joseph's sweet tooth is finally here in full force. Last weekend when my parents, Ashley and Mikael were in town, mom made sure to pick up a few different types of cookies and pastries. Guess what Joseph wanted to eat for every meal, every day until they were all gone? Yup, the cookies. He hasn't learned the sign for cookie yet, so he just signs cracker when he sees anything that is covered in frosting/sprinkles/sugar/etc. It's kinda cute, but next to impossible to get him to eat anything else right now!

Of course, since he's off to Nana and Papa's house for the weekend while Joe and I go to Warrensburg for an ultimate frisbee friends reunion, I made sure to send a fresh batch of snickerdoodle cookies with him. (They're really more for Nana and Papa, so that Joseph will get invited back again!)

Why wouldn't we think the little man would be perfect on his weekend away? Oh, because right now he's cutting at least 2, but I think more like 4-5 teeth. Yeah, he's gonna be fun! So far I've definitely felt one new one on the bottom, and I think possibly two on the opposite upper side. So like I was fearing, waiting 6 months to cut a new tooth means they're all going to show up together! It'll be a few weeks before we can see what we're really working with, but I'm going to miss being able to fish the random crap he stuffs in his mouth out without being bitten! :)

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