Friday, July 29, 2011

Guess Who

So our nephew James had his 5th birthday earlier this month. I forgot that Joe had found some toys online and had sent them to Lisa in anticipation of James' birthday a while before the event, so I tried to figure out something fun to get the little guy. I'd love to say it was all my idea, but while browsing a great website, Pinterest, I found a picture of someone's personalized Guess Who game. Incredible!

I remember loving that game as a kid, and after a little research, learned that the suggested age was 6+. Guess Who is a two player game that is pretty easy to play. Each player picks a card that has a different person on it and keeps his card hidden from the other player. The players then take turns asking yes/no questions to try and guess the identity of the other's card. As the questions get answered, the players drop the board pieces down to eliminate the faces that don't match with the mystery person. The first player to correctly guess the identity of the other player's card wins.

James is plenty smart so we figured it could be a hit. The newest version of the game was stylized in a way that wouldn't work well for the version I was hoping to create, so I started searching for slightly older versions of the game. It took a couple of weeks of browsing ebay and local thrift/consignment stores and garage sales before I was able to locate a game in great shape that still had all of its original pieces and playing cards.

Another few days spent searching for head shots of James' extended family and photoshopping them to fit the small game pieces, along with lots of help from Joe with formatting and printing at the store that does his letterhead and business cards, cutting the pieces out and assembling the boards, and we finally had finished making the game.

The two game boards, with the new family pieces installed

Joe managed to copy the original game pieces, that have a pattern of question marks on the back side of each game piece. The printer had some perfect glossy cardstock that worked perfectly for the game pieces. Hopefully they'll hold up well to lots of wear!

A closeup of one of the game boards. All of the pieces pop out and can be rearranged to keep the game fun! I tried to make sure we had a good assortment of pictures with accessories - mainly hats and glasses/sunglasses which definitely makes the game more interesting to play.

We had a lot of fun creating the personalized game, and I actually am thinking about trying to keep locating more boards so that we can make a set for us. Not only is it a fun game, but I'm sure it helps the little kids to remember their far away aunts, uncles and cousins too! Happy 5th Birthday James!! :)


Lisa C said...

He loves it!!! We played 4 times straight, but then I made him put it away because we were supposed to be on our way when we'd found the package on the porch :) I'm particularly impressed by all the hat/sunglasses pictures to distinguish people. It will also be a great way to learn family relationships because we have been asking questions like "is yours a grandparent/aunt/uncle/adult/child" etc. SUCH a creative idea! Thanks!

Linda said...

Lisa called and told me about this yesterday. That is the best idea! You are so creative and the final product looks awesome! SO cool!!!

Andrea said...

This is about the coolest game ever! You are so talented! Now I want to make one for Cole and Rafe. I wonder if we have enough family... We'll have to include the dogs and cats, I think.