Friday, July 8, 2011


A couple of quick funny things Joseph's been up to these days:

1. Now that he knows the sign for diaper, he has decided to use the sign to inform us that it's time for a clean diaper. Or maybe he's just letting us know he's dirty and ok with it. Regardless, he'll only sign diaper after he's gone #2, and he'll do it once, maybe twice before he's off to play and won't sign it again. We're optimistic that we'll be able to potty train him early, butwe are no where near ready for that yet!

2. Yesterday I was trying to get my coupon binder organized. Joseph came over to me and shook his head no, then signed all done. At first I assumed he was finished playing with his toys, but he proceeded to shut the binder closed and signed all done again. Quickly catching on, I opened the binder again, to which he once again shook his head no, signed all done and closed the binder. No further interpretation needed. Such a direct little kid!

3. Joseph really has fun hanging around Molly. Lately he'll climb up on top of her while she's on the couch to try and get kissed ( or try to ride her like his riding toys, but she doesn't really cooperate like they do.... yet). He'll kiss her on the ear or head, then lean in really close and wait for her to sniff him, anticipating a quick kiss. When she delivers, he laughs hysterically and repeats. Luckily for Molly, Joseph usually has a treat in hand or remnants of his last meal somewhere on his face/hands/shirt so she gets a reward too.

1 comment:

Linda said...

Peas?!? With ice cream? Crazy kid! Cute though! :)