Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Mommy's Helper

*Disclaimer* As you may have noticed in the last post, Joseph looks a little banged up. I promise I'm not abusing or neglecting him; rather, we're discovering just how clumsy a 17 month old can be. The scrapes and bumps in these pictures are the result of Joseph watching the garbage truck a little too intently and trying to follow after him, while not remembering that the best way to go down the concrete steps is not, in fact, face first.

Joseph seems to enjoy playing in the kitchen more when I'm cooking, as opposed to just fussing that he's not the center of my attention. Couple that with his enhanced signing skills (he'll tell us when he's hungry now, even if he still doesn't eat much), and things usually run a little more efficiently at dinner time.

This particular evening, he had mentioned he was hungry, and although I don't remember now what I was making, I was in the process of pulling together dinner. I guess I was taking a little too long, because after a few minutes of noticing that neither Joseph nor Molly were making any noise, I started to look around and discovered this:

He was too funny to stop him. He was pouring the cereal so slowly that I had time to run, grab the camera, turn it on and still capture 95% of the action. It helps that I knew the cereal was getting fairly stale and there wasn't that much left anyway.

Even more entertaining was discovering that Joseph is apparently too light to stomp on the cereal when he walked around the kitchen. Instead, they were sticking to the bottoms of his feet without crumbing. At least, I found it funny. He was not amused at all.

Poor little guy. At least we haven't had any more escapades like this one.

And here's a random video, mainly for Aunt Jennifer. He's solidly figured out the rocking horse she gave him for Christmas, although he still needs help getting up on the horse. With the help of the hardwood floors, he manages to rock clear across the room! And yes, you're getting a clear idea of his little personality at the very end!

1 comment:

Joe VI said...

I love that it looks like he was just in a bar fight with his "happy to be me" shirt.