Saturday, November 12, 2011


This all happened a few weeks back, but I forgot to add them to the blog. One night, I was trying to convince Joseph to eat his dinner. He was going to town on his green beans, but didn't want anything else. Since he likes to dip, I thought I'd try giving him chocolate pudding.  I knew it could turn messy, but I hadn't honestly expected that he'd wear so much more than he'd eat!

 At the point in which he discovered that putting the spoon on his head got a reaction out of me, it was all over.

He also really wanted me to try the chocolate pudding hairstyle as well, but wasn't too phased when I refused. :) He got me later while I was putting him in the bathtub and happened to touch his head with my cheek.

1 comment:

Lisa C said...

So our kids were whispering to each other during dinner today, conspiring to put Ranch dressing on their heads. I opened up this video to show them and it was a hit! I especially love 7's mischievous little giggle.