Friday, November 2, 2012

Mom's Group Trunk or Treat

This year I've taken on an organizer role in my mom's group. When all of the old organizers decided it was time to retire, I had to step up and take on more responsibility, taking over the job of planning and organizing special events for the group. My first event was a Fall Family Night, held at the end of September when Madeline was just 3 weeks old. It went off well, so I was looking forward to the annual trunk-or-treat, especially since I'd attended the last two years and had a better idea of what to expect.
The trunk-or-treat was scheduled for the Thursday before Halloween, but Mother Nature didn't cooperate. We had rain and lots of wind, and half of the members cancelled the morning of the event. After a big debate, I opted to go ahead and reschedule it for Monday, October 29th. Luckily we had a good turn out, and the weather was much nicer!
The group has been holding a lot of our bigger events at this park, because it has a decent shelter, great playgrounds and open fields, so planning it wasn't a big deal. We had Papa John's deliver pizzas, and I brought drinks, some apples and caramel dip, and made cupcakes (the 6 dozen cookies I had made for the original date didn't last through the weekend...)

I had fun decorating the cupcakes, although since I was pressed for time, I didn't get to put as much attention to detail as I would have liked.I made the ones on the cupcake stand (thanks Ashley!) - spider webs, ghosts, mummies, spiders and ones that looked like dirt with worms coming out the top. The other organizers also contributed desserts and sides.

The kids had lots of fun running around and playing while the parents socialized.

Although it was 60 degrees that day, a decent breeze picked up as the sun started to set, and the temps really started to drop off quickly. I'm glad we opted to wait for a better day!
Madeline spent the entire time sleeping in her car seat, as long as we kept rocking her. So I bounced her on my arm while everyone ate, and then Joe rocked her while handing out candy.

This year Joseph definitely got into the whole Halloween thing. He ran from car to car, and got over his issues with saying "trick or treat."

And although he's a big fan of getting candies, he decided he wasn't interested in some of the offerings at a couple of cars - he took a look at the candy in the bowl, thought for a minute, and then said no thanks and ran over to the next one.

Joseph and the rest of the kids had a great time. Although it's definitely more work to plan and put on the events, it's definitely fun to be helping to coordinate all the big family events. Next up is a hayride, scheduled for this week, and then it's time to start working on the holiday party!

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