Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Last pictures in the old house

I was hoping to avoid it, but once we returned home from Destin, Maddie was solidly on the move. She got really interested in the stairs, so with just 3 weeks to go, the baby gate went up. Luckily she wasn't terribly interested in anything other than the baby gate, as there were piles of boxes stacking up everywhere around the house!

Joseph had a lot of fun helping Joe take down all of the shelves in the playroom. Lisa/Dan and cousins gave him a car that is designed to be taken apart and put back together with a preschooler sized working drill, so he's had lots of practice with a drill. Or so he thought. Still, he did a great job!

In the final weeks, I opted to start carrying everything possible out of the basement, hoping that it would save the hired movers time (and our money). I don't know that it really saved us much money, but it definitely made me realize just how many plastic storage totes we have - and this isn't all of them!

These are pics of the last dinner at our house. Looking back now, I almost cried thinking about how we would miss eating outside and just spending time on the porch. And while I definitely don't sit outside during the day as much at the new house, we have eaten tons of meals outside on our deck. Although we are still talking about screening the deck in someday.

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