Wednesday, February 19, 2014

4 years old

Happy birthday Joseph! 

It's hard to believe he is 4 already, but we have certainly enjoyed the ride thus far. Joseph managed to beat my suggested goal of being fully potty trained by his birthday, as he has worn undies to bed every night for the past few weeks with no accidents! Hooray!

He went to bed last night saying he wanted to get donuts for breakfast, but when he came downstairs this morning and saw presents on the table, he decided to just go for the gifts instead. 

This kid is so sweet; he unwrapped his first present and said, "look! A box!" He did get pretty excited when he opened said box to find a pirate playset inside.

He then proceeded to play pirates for about 20 minutes, shooing me and my attempts to feed him away. Finally we convinced him to keep opening presents as Joe was going to have to leave for work, so he obliged.

Again, this kid is just so sweet. Maddie was off playing in the family room when he opened her present, so after seeing what she gave him, he immediately hopped off his chair, running over to her to thank her with no prompting from us. Love him!

He was really excited to open his Easy Bake oven and refill kits from Grandpa Joe, Grandma Dianne and the Christensens. That came in handy as I think the first batch of cupcakes was all I could get him to slow down and eat for breakfast!

After his first easy bake success, I took the kids to the planetarium at Union Station for a quick movie of big bird, planets and constellations. Joseph was so amazed at the giant projection surrounding him and really seemed to like the movie. Unfortunately the model train display down the hall was under construction so we headed back home for his choice of lunch- grilled cheese sandwiches and a strawberry shake. 

After naps and some more playing with his new toys, we met up with Nana, Papa, Auntie T, Mr. T and dad at the T Rex Cafe. Joseph had his birthday dinner there last year and enjoyed it, so we weren't surprised when he requested it again this year. Maddie was amazed at the sights and they both enjoyed checking everything out. After eating, the waitress brought his cake out, and Joseph lost it!

We think he may have just been scared, but he ran off crying and screaming no while the candle just burned down. It was really kinda sad, but Joe got him calmed down and when he came back to the table he was open to us singing him the birthday song before eating cake. 

Then it was time for a few more presents- a fun book from the Bowlings and a Jake and the Neverland Pirates Lego set from Nana and Papa. 

I think he had a fun birthday, especially since I overheard him asking Joe if it would still be his birthday tomorrow when he woke up. He is the best little boy and we are so lucky to be his parents!!

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