Thursday, March 20, 2014


Maddie is cutting the last of her teeth, including one molar. Her behavior becomes exacerbated by her age and ease at which she will throw tantrums anyway. It has been a rough couple of months! Last night she woke up around 10:15, and cried until about 12:15 am. Then this morning she was really unhappy being left at the gym child watch. Usually she calms down pretty quickly, if she fusses at all. Today, however, after throwing a kicking, hitting, screaming fit for 30 minutes, they politely asked me to take her home. Awesome. 

Joseph, being at that great age of questions and "big" thoughts, asked on the way home from the gym "mom? When can I see Jesus?" I told him he would see him someday, but not for a while, and reminded him that he can talk to Jesus by saying his prayers. I then asked him what he wanted to tell Jesus, to which he replied " I want to tell him thank you for making me." My heart melted a bit upon hearing this, and then I had to laugh when he followed it up by saying "it's ok, we can probably FaceTime him."

My days are never dull!


Linda said...

Awesome comment Joseph! Made me laugh out loud.

Mom said...

That is too funny. My coworkers and I all got a good laugh at that.