Sunday, May 4, 2014

Engagement fun

Joseph, Maddie and I headed to St. Louis on Thursday April 17th to surprise my sisters and Elliot, who was going to be proposing to Jennifer that afternoon. Ashley and I had schemed and decided to make tshirts for the kids to wear, so I spent the week beforehand designing and making them. Joseph and Mason had matching shirts, and Maddie's said "flower girl dreams" with hand stitched flowers. They turned out super cute!

 While the kids waited to surprise Jen and Elliot, they got to spend some quality time playing together and watching papa drive the trains. 

Then the excitement got too much to bear, so we all headed outside to wait and watch. And wait. And wait a bit longer since Jen and Elliot got stuck on traffic. 

When they finally arrived, they were definitely excited and surprised to see us there. What a fun birthday for Jennifer! 

We all headed to the club for dinner, and the kids did pretty well, considering how late it was getting. There was an ice cream sundae bar, which helped, along with crazy sparklers on Jen's bday cake!

When we got back to my parents' house, Jen opened a few presents. 
The kids were super tired but having fun being silly together. 

Finally, after about an hour of them playing with each other and not going to sleep, Maddie got really upset and managed to climb right out of the crib, open the bedroom door and we caught her heading up the stairs. She refused to go back in the crib, so I laid her down next to Joseph on the queen sized bed where she promptly passed right out. 
Joseph was so excited to have her in the bed that he stayed up for another half hour, leaning over her to look at her sleeping and giving her kisses. I wish it would have worked out that they slept all night together, but it wasn't to be. Maddie got up around 1:30, was disoriented and had trouble falling back asleep. Oh well. The days of the two of them sharing a bed at Mimi and papa's isn't far off!

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