Thursday, October 25, 2007

Chill In the Air

It's definitely getting colder outside... I shouldn't be surprised, seeing as how November starts in a week. I just don't know where this summer went! It seems like we still have so many projects on our list of things to do, and now the focus is shifting to those projects that will just keep us warm and safe in the coming winter months.

Our 1 car garage is still too full of stuff to actually park a car inside, but I think this weekend we'll tackle that project, if for no other reason than I don't enjoy getting into a frosty cold car in the mornings! We also are planning on installing the other new garage door we bought, finish installing the door knobs and locks on the exterior doors, and putting up the fun garage organizer system Joe bought a few weeks ago. Definitely doesn't make for the most fun weekend ever, but it'll be nice to actually use the garage for the first time ever!

1 comment:

Dan said...

Man I wish we had a garage...we had frost on the windshield of the car this morning for the first time this season. I fear it's going to be a long, cold winter and we're going to have to scrape the windshield every morning of it!