Tuesday, September 15, 2009

It's a BOY!

After finding out at the ultrasound that we are the future parents of a very un-shy little boy (guess he is a Jeppson boy, after all!), Joe and I went over to a little mall near the doctor's office to start shopping. We had been wanting to get Mizzou specific clothing for our future tiger, and ended up with this outfit, so he's all set for a football game next fall!
Then it was off to baby gap to check their clearance rack, and found this really cute onesie on sale, along with a sun shade hat with monkeys on it. It's going to be really hard to not continue buying cute stuff for this little guy, and remember that we still have almost 5 months until we meet him!


Grammy-C said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! How exciting is that??? And you don't even have to stress out over a name! How you Jeppsons manage to pull off having first-born sons generation after generation is a wonder - must be something "other-worldly" involved (I prefer not to say "witchcraft"...JK!!!) I'm REALLY happy for you. Hope your pregnancy continues to go well!

Mom said...


Us girls are already discussing the homemade goods for 7. Let us know what color scheme you are inclined to use so we can plan accordingly.

I'm glad everything went well and I'm so glad to know that Lauren is doing well.


Unknown said...

We are so happy for you both!! I am sure after 3 girls I will figure out a boy. Never to old to learn new ways to love someone!!Love you both..Mom