Monday, October 5, 2009

Future dancer?

This past weekend was my sister's wedding. Things have been rather hectic in the couple of weeks leading up to the wedding, but it went off without a hitch and everyone had a great time. Now she and Mikael are off to Mexico to enjoy their honeymoon, and I'm back in KC, packing up the store. Friday was the last day open, and we're in the process of moving everything out of our current location and back to St. Louis, where we'll decide if it makes sense to re-open another version of the store in KC again in the spring.

Anyway, the baby has been growing and getting stronger. It's fun to feel him moving around each day, but Joe still hadn't been able to feel him. Last night, I'm pretty sure little Joseph decided to have a dance party, b/c he was going strong for a solid hour and a half! Joe kept his hand on my belly for a little bit and felt him once, and again a little bit later for what was probably the strongest kick I've felt yet. Now that I'm past the halfway mark, it's crazy to think how soon we'll be able to meet this little guy, but we're definitely excited about that. I'll try to remember to take a belly picture this week for a progress update, but have no fear - it's definitely growing!

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