Thursday, August 19, 2010

Happy Half Birthday Joseph!

Somehow our little guy is now 6 months old! Ashley and I used to love celebrating our half birthdays (mainly because we had summer birthdays and thus could only celebrate our half birthday in school with our friends) so we've decided to pass on the tradition with Joseph. I think we're going to take the little guy for ice cream at Murray's tonight! :)
We've continued our adventures into new baby foods. For the most part, he loves mealtime. Last week when we came down with what we assumed was food poisoning, Joseph seemed to have some issues of his own... so maybe we had a bug instead? Who knows. All I know is that for the first time ever, Joseph expressed some pretty strong disinterest in baby food...peaches. It was day 4 of trying them, so I think his belly may just have been upset, but check out this face!

Joseph also spends quite a bit of time playing in his exersaucer during the day. It keeps him pretty happy with all the toys to play with, and his ability to bouce and shake around.

This video is a couple minutes long and probably isn't that interesting to anyone other than grandparents and us, but it's a cute way for us to document just how much he's capable of now! :)

The other big accomplishment for this week? The little guy is now sitting up on his own! He'll still topple over from time to time, but he's really gaining a lot of core strength and ability to catch himself when he starts to lean.


Linda said...

I love his little sounds while he is eating and that he sucks his thumb after taking a bite! What a cutie!

Mom said...

Love the video's!!! I have never seen a baby suck his thumb after every bite. dad thinks maybe he thirsty? Or maybe he is savoring every bite!!