Tuesday, August 10, 2010

So while at Grandma's, Joseph got his first set of bath toys. He is really good at identifying an object he wants and grabbing for it now, and bath toys were particularly intriguing.

I hate that he's almost outgrown the sink bathtub and is getting so close to moving up to real baths!

And seriously, how old is he looking now?? So much for the little baby we had a few months ago... Joseph is growing so fast!

The last new thing that happened while in St. Louis was something his Parsonage grandparents had been waiting for since he was born.... ice cream!

True to form, Grandpa gave him his first bites of ice cream while at dinner with my mom, mom's parents, Joseph's great-Nana and great-Papa, Jennifer, Pravin and me. He wasn't too sure what to make of it, but knew he didn't want to stop eating it, either!

1 comment:

Mom said...

Just the cutest little boy ever!!! He has such a big place in our hearts!