Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Whistle While You Work

Wouldn't you want to buy a kayak from this little guy? :)

Last week Joseph and I stayed in St. Louis to visit with the grandparents and to help out at their store. Their office manager, Karen, started on her maternity leave, so they were going to be a little short handed. So we converted an unused office into baby central, complete with his pack and play for naps and changing table on the desk.

Each day, after his morning nap, Joseph would eat lunch on grandpa's desk. It had the most uncluttered space, and best viewing areas. He finished up trying squash and started on bananas while we were there. He loved them both!

He's also a big fan of his new chair, as am I. I had been using the bumbo to feed him, but in the last couple of weeks he'd gotten really squirmy. We definitely needed restraints! He is usually happy just to sit in the chair and play with his toys, particularly the rattle in the picture.

We sold 10 kayaks last week, one of our best weeks ever. Coincidence? I think not!


Mom said...

Such a cute little guy and such a fun birthday. Awesome update.

Mom said...

MIss him and all his things! The store just isn't quite the same without you two!!

Mom said...

Papa likes all the pictures of his Great Grandson!! He thinks he is pretty cute!