Saturday, June 2, 2012


I think I can say the kitchen is officially complete now, even though we remodeled it 3 years ago! We never replaced the goofy, painted shut window above the kitchen sink when we did the remodel, even though we knew it needed to happen. The whole outside was rotten and quite frankly, we were too scared to take on the project for fear of what we'd discover/uncover. So we left it alone, until this winter when we had our contractor come and do some minor repairs that needed to happen on the kitchen wall (water was getting in) and the bedroom wall. We just had him replace the window at the same time so that all of the windows in the house are new(er).

Because of that, I had been struggling with what to do for window treatments, knowing that the size of the window could change when we had it replaced. Once the new window was in, I found fabric I liked, way back in January, and taped sample swatches around the kitchen to be sure. Everyone agreed that it would look good. And there they sat, taped to the window trim, for 5 months.

Until Memorial Day weekend, when Jo Ann's finally ran a great sale on the fabric (60% off!), and I knew I had the time to devote to making the curtains myself. I opted to do a sort of modified faux roman shade, which at this point means I just made the whole thing up as I went, using tutorials from a variety of blogs.

It didn't take that long at all, a few hours, really, even considering I lined them and ended up having to hand stitch the folds onto the one for the window above the sink, because my original plan wasn't working. 

Overall, I'm really pleased with how they turned out. Because I tacked the one over the sink in place, the curtain is purely decorative and non functional. The larger curtain could still drop down and give us privacy, not that we'd ever really need it on that window as it just looks into our backyard. Hooray for one more project that's been on the to-do list getting crossed off!

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