Thursday, June 21, 2012

Catching Up on Projects

Last week, Joseph ended up spending the whole week in St. Louis, even though we were only planning on him being there through Monday or Tuesday. I took great advantage of having all the free time to catch up on a number of projects, including a few crafty ones.

Ashley and Mikael had asked me to make a few large swaddling baby blankets for them, along with more burp cloths. I found a fun tutorial online, and decided to make some for our baby as well. I ended up sewing 6 baby blankets, and realized just how easy they were after a few dumb mistakes.

My sewing machine has a few neat stitches, so I opted to try one of them on one of the more basic blankets. I think it turned out really cute!

6 more burp cloths for baby Mason. Ashley and Mikael picked the fabrics from my growing stash, and I did the rest. I'm looking forward to embellishing some of our old cloth diapers for baby girl in the coming weeks.

While looking for a great sale on Pull-Ups, I discovered a nearby Walmart had a bunch of fabric on clearance, including a full bolt of Thomas cotton for $2/yd! I seriously couldn't pass it up, but wasn't sure what I'd make. I decided Joseph would love a new set of sheets for his toddler bed, so I made a fitted/crib sheet, and partial flat/fitted sheet (the foot end of the bed has elastic casing so it staying on the bed much better than a flat sheet) and a matching pillowcase. He came home from his week at Mimi and Papa's and got pretty excited about his new "Thomas blankie!"

Jennifer had found an old kids rocking chair that was covered in Little Mermaid fabric, and it had seen better days. She had planned on using it in her classroom, but ran out of space. One day last fall she brought it up to KC, and I had great intentions of recovering it for Joseph. When I started to strip the fabric off the chair, however, I realized that it had actually been well-upholstered, and I didn't really have a clue what I was doing.

The chair sat for months, waiting for me to gather the energy, time and confidence to tackle the project - so last week was definitely the time to get it done! Joe helped me finish stripping the old fabric off the chair, so I could use the pieces for a basic pattern, and I went to town with the staple gun.

 It didn't end up as perfect as the original upholstery, but Joseph seems to like it, especially now that the rocker feet are back on the chair. I picked a heavy weight upholstery fabric, so I'm hopeful it will last for a while in the new play room!

I also managed to get our 2011 blog book printed, the house cleaned, basement organized and other miscellaneous projects crossed off the list. While we missed him, it was great to be able to get so much stuff done before baby sister's arrival!

1 comment:

Lisa C said...

Wow-that is a lot to get done! Where did you learn to reupholster. That is one craft I have never done, but have always wanted to. The chair looks great!