Friday, June 1, 2012

Ice Cream Truck

Last week we were dog sitting for Jill and Gary while they were in the Outer Banks. One afternoon was particularly nice, so we decided to take all three dogs on a walk with Joseph. We headed down the street, realized we were going really slowly and it would be bedtime soon, and turned around. A few seconds later, we heard the faint ringing bells of an ice cream truck!

We managed to cross the school parking lot and get back to our street just before it passed, and with a sheepish look and a quick "should we or shouldn't we" debate, Joe flagged the truck down. We hadn't brought any money, so he quickly jogged down the street to our house, which was just 4 houses away, to grab some cash.

Joseph thought the truck stopping for us was his treat, and since he's not a big ice cream eater, I opted for the cheapest, most traditional ice cream truck treat I could find - a bomb pop. Joe ran back in time to order the Ninja Turtles pop, a pale green and orange popsicle complete with gumball eyes. We walked the three dogs back down to the house while Joe got Joseph started on the bomb pomp. Just as we suspected, Joseph was super excited and emphatically stuck his tongue out to just barely touch it, then let out a loud "yummm!" each time he got a lick. 

And then he discovered there were ants on the front step, and they were way more exciting than the popsicle.

 For a few minutes, at least. Joe managed to convince him to stop watching the ants and take a lick every now and then.

When Joe pulled the turtle out of the wrapper, Joseph was much more interested in checking it out. He helped Joe eat it, which was good because apparently green and orange sherbet from the ice cream truck doesn't taste so great to the adult palate!

Joseph was really intrigued by the gumball eyes. Joe got to them first so Joseph wouldn't eat one.

I took these photos and the following video on Joe's phone while we enjoyed the night. This video is more for our sake, capturing the experience and Joseph's talking, rather than a cute clip of him.

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