Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Over a year ago, I found a Mizzou tricycle at a consignment sale that looked brand new, and snatched it up. It sat in the basement until this past summer, when it seemed that Joseph was big enough to ride it. His legs could reach the pedals, but he wasn't coordinated enough to push them, and just got really frustrated. So I stuck it back in the basement, figuring we'd pull it out again in the spring. While we were cleaning up in the basement a few weeks ago, Joseph came down with us, saw the "bicycle" and hopped on. Imagine our surprise when he was actually able to pedal a bit!

He was so excited, and the weather wasn't too bad, so Joe took Joseph down to the school to play and practice. 

 Check out that determination! I was running Christmas errands with Madeline, but Joe said Joseph did great, pedaling forward (and backward) a few times, before realizing he wanted to go play on the playground and abandoned the trike.

The teachers must have forgotten to put the ball back, and it appears Joseph had lots of fun playing with a toy that's usually not out on weekends!

It kills me how big he looks (and is!), especially after posting pictures of Madeline. He's growing up so fast!

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