Sunday, December 2, 2012

Hello December

All I can say is a new router that doesn't allow my old laptop to connect to the Internet, plus a week long Thanksgiving trip and a baby whose sleeping habits took a nosedive off a cliff, equals no blogging lately. My goal this week is to get the recent pictures uploaded and edited, along with picking our Christmas card pictures. And finishing some Christmas projects, cleaning the house, wrapping presents and trying to keep my sweet baby girl sleeping.

Things are looking up, though, as today I stepped on the scale and saw the same number as I did the day I took my first pregnancy test, January 2! Some gluttonous vacationing had inflated that number a few pounds from my average weight last year, but I'm thrilled to be able to say I successfully gained and lost 37 pounds in 11 months, and ended up with a beautiful new daughter in the process. :)

1 comment:

Ashley Olson said...

Spectacular picture!!! And congratulations!!! U should be so proud of yourself!!!