Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Madeline's 4 month photos

 Right before we left for Orlando, Madeline turned 4 months old! Our little girl has really turned into such a happy baby over the last couple of weeks. Gone is the fussy, colicky baby, and I'm so happy to report that Maddie is now a talkative (well, she squeaks and squeals a lot!), smiley, happy little girl.

She absolutely loves blowing raspberries, and now she frequently wakes up in the morning by blowing raspberries to herself for a while...sometimes 10-15 minutes before she decides it's time for one of us to come get her!

 She's fully into the stage of trying to put everything in her mouth... nothing is safe! Luckily, Joseph is pretty good about not giving her little items or bits of food - yet. He's having so much fun now that she's much more interactive and giggly with him.

She was sick a bit before the 7th, so we had a quick trip to the doctor. Although we haven't been for her official 4 month check up (and shots), we went ahead and got her stats:

As of 1/3/13:
Height: 25 inches
Weight: 14 lbs 13 oz
Head size: 17 inches

She started rolling over this week, too! She first flipped from back to tummy on the 18th while laying on Mason's playmat. Then two days later, she surprised us by easily rolling from tummy to her back multiple times. She's still not a big fan of tummy time, but she's pretty good at rolling right back over. Joseph loves this new development, and encourages us to have her practice her "baby push ups" as often as possible!

We also started feeding her rice cereal last week... pictures and videos of that experience to come!

At 4 1/2 months, we are still struggling with her sleep. Since returning from Disney, she's doing better about taking naps that last longer than 30 minutes, which is where they'd been for the last couple of months. She still wakes up multiple times each night and eats once around 4 or 5 am. I'm hoping that she'll slowly start getting better though, as she's gotten really good about putting herself to sleep - I almost never have to rock her to sleep anymore. We can lay her down wide awake, still swaddled, and she'll watch the mobile or her seahorse for a few minutes before drifting off to sleep. Everything is baby steps with Madeline, but at least we're making progress!

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