Thursday, January 3, 2013

Super JoJo

Two nights ago, we had dinner with Jill and Gary. Jill pulled out a big red and purple cape she had made for Joe when he was a kid and let Joseph wear it. Joseph thought it was great, and was asking to wear it again yesterday morning at home.

Instead, I went and grabbed the super hero cape Aunt Lisa made for him last year and showed him how to wear it. He had a blast playing "super jojo" for a while, until he remembered that the main character from Super Why! (A PBS kids reading show where the characters look for answers to their problems/questions by reading books) wears a cape. Then he told me he was not Super JoJo, but rather Super Why.

He disappeared for a bit, and when I went looking for him, he was sitting on his bed, cape on, flipping slowly through the pages of a big Disney story book. I asked him if he was reading, and he responded, no, he was looking for answers! I asked if he found the answer to his question, to which he sighed, no, then hopped down off the bed and went on playing. At least he's starting to get the idea with reading!

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