Thursday, June 20, 2013

Mission Family Carnival

During Mother's Day weekend, the city of Mission held its annual carnival. We had been planning on going, even before deciding to put the house on the market, so Jill opted to come with us for a fun morning. The weather was gorgeous, and after enjoying donuts for breakfast and watching the little city parade, we headed over to the community center parking lot to ride on the carnival rides. 

We wanted to make sure Joseph would be comfortable with the rides as a precursor to Clinton's Old Glory Days, and he had a blast! He wanted to ride just about everything, and was generally in great spirits all morning.

Trying to keep up with Joe and Joseph was a bit difficult, as Joseph wanted to run everywhere. See them there, in the middle of the picture? Off to the next great ride!

Joseph had lots of fun with the fishing game, and traded in his two smaller prizes that he won for a giant stuffed snake. It's green and yellow striped, and honestly looks a lot like a feather boa with a tongue. He insisted on wearing it wrapped around his neck and with his sunglasses on, he was quite a sight!

Taking a spin on the ferris wheel with Nana. After exhausting our ride tickets, we grabbed a few hot dogs, drinks and cookies, and listened to the Funky Mama perform a few songs, and packed up to head back to Nana's house for some much needed naps. We spent the rest of the weekend hanging out with Jill and Gary, as that was our original plan, not knowing we would sell the house so quickly. They babysat so we could meet Scott and Tricia for dinner and a movie out at the Legends Saturday afternoon/evening. Sunday morning I got up early to meet some mom friends to run the Mother's Day 5k. We spent the rest of the day relaxing at home, and just enjoying a great Mother's Day weekend together!

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