Saturday, May 30, 2015

First week of summer vacation

Summer is here! Although it doesn't feel like it too much. I had been worries about how this week of having everyone home by myself everyday would go, but I shouldn't have worried about it. 

Friday Ashley, Mason and Christopher came up to babysit so Joe and I could go to a wedding, and to hang out for the Memorial Day weekend. The big kids were definitely excited to see their cousins roll up!

Saturday we took the whole gang to the KC Northern Railroad. The babies feel asleep on the way, so I stayed behind while Ashley took the big kids on the train. 
Mason didn't want to go at first, but I think he changed his mind pretty quickly!

We had a lot of fun playing all weekend long, dodging raindrops. The kids were definitely sad on Monday when it was time to say goodbye. At least we will be seeing them again in a week as we head to Florida. 

Tuesday started off slow, with lots of snuggles and tv time in bed. 

It was nice not to have any plans! We finally had a couple of dry days, so we made sure to hit up the playgrounds as much as possible. 

Wednesday we decided it was time to let the butterflies we have been raising since caterpillars go free. 
Joseph was super excited and did a great job of being super gentle while letting them climb on his hand. Maddie, well, was less than gentle. We may have had one lose part of his wing on his way to freedom. 

Thursday we headed to the library for a program called bubbleology. The kids had a blast playing with the bubbles, a baby pool of shaving cream, and Joseph was able to be a "human bubble!"

We made sure to check out plenty of books and movies for the upcoming road trip too.

Afterward, I snuggled with Jack while the big kids napped. I definitely can't get enough of cuddling with this sweet boy!

Joseph and Maddie spent plenty of time loving on him too. 

Friday started with a trip around the neighborhood for the annual garage sale. We found a little mermaid dress up dress for Maddie. Although it's a bit too big right now, she was thrilled to play in it and managed not to trip too often. Joseph figured out that garage sales are fun and used his spending money to buy a buzz lightyear toy. 

Friday night was just another night of hanging out, indoctrinating Jack to our boring ways. 

Jack is definitely becoming more alert. Today he spent more time awake and hanging out. He's also starting to actually look at us, which makes Maddie and Joseph even more interested in him. 
Things are about to get even more exciting!

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