Saturday, May 23, 2015

Preschool Graduation

Joseph's last day of preschool was this past Wednesday. I can't believe he's done with preschool already! He's grown so much in the last two years and learned a lot. 

Thursday was his graduation. His class sang a song they've been practicing for weeks, "get up and go gecko." Joseph has been singing it to us at home for a while and learned all the words. He did a great job during his performance! 

Maddie wasn't sure what all the fuss was about but stayed relatively quiet and had fun hanging out with some of the other little sisters. Of course she wanted to do everything he did, so she has also learned the song and wanted her picture taken on stage too. 
They are both very excited for summer to start (not that they really know what that means, other than lots of time to swim and a long trip to Florida soon!) but Joseph will definitely miss his teachers and friends at sunbeams. I'm so glad we found the school when we moved and had such a good experience! He is definitely ready for kindergarten in a few months!

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