Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

We haven't made much progress on the nursery this week, due to being at my parents' house for Christmas. It was nice to be back in St. Louis and visit with my college friends, relax at home for a few days and not do much! We came back to Kansas City on Saturday to discover that while St. Louis received a dusting of snow on Christmas, KC received about 6 inches, with some snow drifts over a foot deep! Luckily, our neighbor's boyfriend decided to spread Christmas cheer and clear our driveway and sidewalk with his snowblower! It continued to snow on Saturday, so when we pulled in, we only had to shovel an inch or two.

Sunday we spent the day taking advantage of after Christmas sales and buying supplies for the baby's room. Since every place had their Christmas decorations at least 50% off, we stocked up on wrapping supplies and outdoor decorations. We probably spent too much, but it's all stuff Joe had been wanting to add to the display, so I'm happy to get it half off! Then Sunday afternoon we went to our favorite Mexican restaurant, Ponak's, to see Kyle and Kenny, who moved to North Carolina early in 2009. They were in town for Christmas as both of their families still live here, and so it was time to hang out and have some fun.

Yesterday was my 33-34 week appointment, where I discovered I'd only gained a pound over the Christmas holidays - not too bad when you consider how many cookies I'd baked and the lack of physical activity during Christmas week! The baby is measuring right on track, and it's really hard to believe I'll be full term in just 3 weeks!

As soon as we get the house cleaned up and the nursery finished (we're shooting for this week) I'll be sure to post more pictures.

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