Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Another growth spurt?

Babies are apparently supposed to have a growth spurt at or around 3 weeks, 6 weeks, 12 weeks, etc. His first true growth spurt was obvious - much more frequent feedings, and lots of sleep. I didn't notice much of anything out of the ordinary at 6 weeks, but the last few days he seems to be getting hungry sooner, and early this morning, sleep was almost non-existent. I was up every 15 minutes from 2:45 to 5:15am, trying to feed and then calm Joseph back to sleep, which didn't really work. In the last week or so, he's been fighting daytime sleep a little more, which I think correlates to his being much more alert and aware of things going on and wanting to look around and see everything. Today was no different, and I didn't get to see much of my smiley, happy baby until he'd finally taken a few good naps and was well fed, earlier this evening. Hopefully this is just a short phase we're going through, as I'm not accustomed to the fussiness I've been dealing with the last few days.

Regardless, we still get a few good smiles and happy times each day, and here are the pictures I promised yesterday...
Visiting with Kyle before he left for North Carolina...
Silliness while sitting in his boppy pillow...

It's so hard to capture him giggling and smiling, particularly because he clams up when he sees me pick up the camera. My guess is the he sees the lights come on in the front and stops what he's doing, so we'll just have to spend more time with one of us entertaining Joseph while the other takes pictures.

He absolutely loves playing while on his changing table. He just coos, giggles, and smiles, both at me and at the truffula trees on the walls. :)

And I'm sad to say that it's time to transition to his 3-6 month clothes. I've been washing many of his new onsies and outfits that look small. I can blame it on his "fluffy butt" with the cloth diapers, but I'm sad to have to add many of his 0-3 month clothes to his storage bin. :( He's growing so fast!

1 comment:

Mom said...

He is growing soooo fast!! Joseph definitely has lost the newborn look. Still adorable!!!!