Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Watch Out World, He's Crawling!

I think Lisa jinxed us with her comment yesterday - about how nice it is when babies are content to sit in one place and learn... Because tonight Joseph started crawling! Luckily Joe and I were both home and having a conversation when we realized there was some forward movement from 7... and then grabbed the camera to record it.

It's really kinda cute - he'll only crawl for Molly's ball. She's wonderful with him, and will sit and watch him grab at it, and doesn't do anything aggressive at all. Because we're such proud parents, here's another crawling video:

And one more, for good measure :)

Notice Molly just watching? She's the best dog ever when it comes to how well she acts around Joseph.

We're also working on teaching him how to clap his hands and wave, and after a little prompting, he'll clap...sort of.

Just a cute picture of the little guy after eating a teething biscuit. Apparently, they are the messiest things EVER! He manages to get chunks all over his face, hands, clothes, hair, toys that he's playing with and the floor, although Molly's happy to help clean everything up!


Lisa C said...

It's like the Field of Dreams...if you blog it.... The kids will be thrilled to watch more videos when they wake up in the morning!

Whoa...Ruth just started crying. I've gotta stop blogging about things happening.

Mom said...

Wow, he got more exercise in 3 minutes than I expend all day bookkeeping at my office. He's growing up so fast and sooo cute.

Linda said...

Yeah 7!!! I love how focused he is-even when his hand hit another toy he kept going. Molly is amazingly calm with him! It's funny how as soon as you picked up the ball though, she came running over to get it, good dog. And, his clapping cracks me up, too cute.