Friday, March 18, 2011


Joseph passed! What, you may ask? His swim lessons, of course! :) Last night was our final class, and at the end each kid received an achievement certificate declaring his/her proficiency in a number of skills. I'm not so sure I'd call Joseph proficient at anything other than blowing bubbles, splashing and the full body shiver, but we had a good time nonetheless.

Our biggest surprise came last night when the instructor wanted the kids to "dive" for the sinking toys. We figured there was no way Joseph would get this skill. He shocked us, though, when we showed him the bright pink ring sitting 6 inches under the water. His response? Reach as far down as he could, and when it was time for his chin to go under the water, start blowing bubbles till he grabbed the ring! No prompting necessary! Of course, beyond that he figured out that if he just turned his head, he could grab the ring and keep his face out of the water, but baby steps people, baby steps.

We figure we'll continue to take trips to the pool so he stays comfortable with being in water. Hopefully we can find an indoor pool with heated water!

1 comment:

Mom said...

That's my Grandson! No surprise there, he is just like his Momma with the water!!!!