Tuesday, March 29, 2011

So Close

Sorry, no pictures this time. :( Friday was our 5 year anniversary, and Joe decided to take the day off/work from home. What a fun treat! Of course, we didn't really get to do anything terribly exciting - I worked on painting my grandfather's cabinet (yes, the same piece of furniture I've been refinishing for over a year now), Joe did some work, and then we went to lunch at a pizza place that had the old car rides. Hence the picture in Joe's post.

Friday afternoon Joe came home from a haircut appointment with a gorgeous flower arrangement in a beautiful blue and white glass vase I had seen a month ago and really liked. I was really surprised! We then ran to Lowe's to buy tiles for the laundry room and hardware for the bathroom drawers - really romantic, aren't we? Finally it was time for our true anniversary night. Ashley and Mikael watched Joseph so we could go out.

We ended up seeing Limitless in a cinema suites theatre, which basically means you get to sit in a super comfy recliner chair and have wait staff like a restaurant, so you order off a food/drink menu throughout the show. It's a fun twist on the old "dinner and a movie" date. Except that when you condense your dinner and movie into one two hour block, you're done before 9pm and wondering what to do with the rest of your night!

We opted for cheesecake at the Cheesecake Factory, one of our (ok my) favorite splurges. Then, not wanting to go home early, we decided to go bowling. Yes, bowling for an anniversary! Whatever, it was actually a lot of fun. Joe won all three games, even after having to bowl "granny style" when his wrist was too sore from bowling all of those strikes and spares. Oh well.

In other news, we had really planned on moving back home this past weekend, but the walls still weren't finished as of Friday afternoon. Sigh. Yesterday they got back to work and accomplished quite a bit - they sanded all of the walls, which produced crazy amounts of joint compound dust. The painter started painting the bathroom, so they'll be out of the room when the tile guy returns later today. I stayed late at the house last night priming the walls of the dining room, living room and spots of the kitchen than need to be repainted.

This morning I returned to the house to meet a tree trimmer (the power company had stopped by to upgrade our electrical service and decided that a few trees in the backyard need to be cut back before they'll run the new lines) and discovered our bathtub sitting in our front yard.... Turns out the workers tried to carry the 500 lb cast iron tub through the front door, and it was going to be too difficult. I had pulled up in the middle of this whole process, right before they decided that it would have to go around the backyard, turn the tub sideways through the door in the screened porch, and through the french doors in the dining room before heading up the stairs. I'm glad we had 4 guys available, and it appears the tub made the trip ok, even though I'm sure those guys could use a night in a hot tub and a few drinks after hauling that thing all around the house!

Our built in cabinets were delivered this morning, and are ready to be painted. They are a lot bigger in person than I expected, and should provide great storage opportunities in otherwise unused space. The tiling should be finished in the next couple of days, just in time for the vanities to be delivered, stained and installed. It's getting so exciting seeing all of the details come together! Every night this week I'll be working at the house, painting, cleaning and organizing, so that the entire first floor is as finished and ready for us, and more importantly, Joseph, to live in just a few days.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Can' wait to see it ! Sounds wonderful!