Thursday, March 31, 2011

Gaining Weight

After Joseph's last doctor's appointment, we were given instructions to try and feed him more. So that's what we've been trying to do. More hot dogs, peanut butter, eggs, cheese, etc. Unfortunately, he's entered the stage where one day he'll eat a lot of one type of food, and then next time we serve it he has no interest in it.

One month later, I think we can safely say that the daily Pediasure drink and extra higher calorie snacks have helped Joseph to gain a bit of weight, but won't know how much for another 2 weeks when we go back to the doctor's office to check. One thing is sure though...

when it's mealtime, Molly is all about the tasty morsels flying off the tray, and she's certainly gaining the weight that Joseph should be! After he's eaten enough to take the edge off any hunger he might be feeling, it's time to share... over and over and over until we just give up on him eating at least as much or more as Molly.

Oh well. I guess it's a fair trade for all of the "pillow-ing" she does for him. I swear he's decided that laying on the ground is much nicer when you have a soft spot to cuddle on, and they spend plenty of each time just like this!

We've also made a breakthrough with sign language! Joseph now knows and makes the sign for milk, although so far it really seems that he uses it more to mean "drink." At least he's very clear about making the sign repeatedly until we offer a sippy cup. I think he's also got the sign for "more" figured out as well, but that one is a little difficult to recognize. Especially if he already has something in his hands (which is frequently the case).

Since he doesn't really seem interested in speaking English, I think it'll be handy to watch him learn more and more signs as his language skills develop!

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