Saturday, September 15, 2012

One Week Old!

Our first week with 2 kids is in the books! Although I'm not getting a lot of sleep anymore, the days are still flying by. Thursday was our first day of just the 4 of us, and we opted to try and get back to our normal morning routine = Joseph in our bed in the morning watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Except now he has a new mouska-fan to watch with! Even if she's completely ignored every minute of the show. She'll be sitting up next to him before I know it!

I'm still trying to do my best to take it easy, but with the super nice weather we've had the last few days, I decided to take Joseph, Madeline and Molly for a walk after picking him up from school on Friday. Not wanting to overdo it, we just did a quick lap down our street and up one the next block up, and ended up at the school so Joseph and Molly could run.

While walking a wider stroller with a dog is going to take some getting used to, it wasn't that bad. The stroller tracks really well and isn't all that different from pushing the BOB.

Madeline seemed to enjoy the fresh air and napped through the entire thing.

Joseph had lots of fun running around, throwing Molly's ball for her, and even made friends with some kids from down the street who came to play. One little boy, who appeared to be a bit older that Joseph walked up to him, introduced himself, then turned to run across the bridge. I watched to see how Joseph would respond, and you can imagine my surprise and delight to watch Joseph turn around, catch up to the little boy and say "Hi, I'm JoJo Jepp-SUM!" (His current pronunciation and emphasis when asked his name) He proceeded to run after and around the little boy for the rest of the time we were at the playground.

The school kids had left a kickball outside, which Joseph found and thought was a basketball. It was too cute watching him run over to the hoops and try to shoot. The ball usually ended up going over his head backwards, but he kept up for a few tries before opting to play on the playground again.

This morning we had Madeline's newborn photo session. She did great, and lasted a few hours before her gas pains got the best of her and we had to call it a day. I can't wait to see the sneak peek, hopefully tomorrow, although it'll make the wait for the full session seem agonizingly long!

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