Saturday, September 29, 2012

Super Climber

As I mentioned in my last post, on Thursday we spent some time at Little Monkey Business, which is becoming one of Joseph's favorite play places. I have a feeling we'll be spending a lot of time here as the weather gets colder!

One of the climbing sections has always eluded Joseph, at least until this week. It involves three tiers of mesh "floors" with an opening between each, for climbing up each level. He's never been tall, strong and coordinated enough to climb up. Thursday, though, marked a turning point - he watched how a couple of older kids were able to climb up, and proceeded to do the same, scaling all the way to the top without too much trouble!

He was so excited about being able to climb up by himself, and the opportunity to go down the "big big slide" at the end of the climber.

My little guy is getting so big! It doesn't help that now that we have a newborn in the house, Joseph just seems a lot older, bigger, tougher and extremely self sufficient... at his old age of two and a half! :)

1 comment:

Ashley Olson said...

Yahoo for Joseph!! Where is the place located?? Could be a great birthday party location!!